Claiming a breakthrough in genetic engineering, scientists at the Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute (CSWRI) have produced several embryos from a single garole sheep, an endangered species of

Jharkhand is considering the setting up of a tiger safari at Canary Hill in Hazaribagh to promote preservation of the wild cats and tourism. A detailed report to set up the safari, prepared by the

For three years, the United Nations has been trying to agree on a treaty forbidding reproductive cloning of human beings. A strong consensus for such an accord exists, but no action has been taken

In a major scientific development, US biologists have created cloned monkey embryos and successfully transferred them into monkey mothers. "If researchers are able to repeat this process in monkeys,

UN experts will next week enter crisis talks on how to avoid a deeply polarised vote over human cloning, after two days of impassioned appeals both for and agaisnt the creation of embryonic stem

The US and the UK, normally firm allies, are set for a possibly bitter show-down at the United Nations over calls for a total ban on human cloning. Over the coming two days, the UN General Assembly's

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Republican governor or California, has set himself at odds with Presidnet George W. Bush with a powerful endorsement of a proposal for the state to pur $3bn into embryonic stem

Harvard University scientists are seeking permission to conduct therapeutic cloning that would involve the creation and destruction of early-stage human embryos to get thir stem cells for research.

Research into the world's worst mass extinction, which wiped out 90 per cent of living species 250m years ago, has discovered evidence that genetic damage prevented plants reproducing. Although no

Asiatic cheetahs are haunting mandarins of the ministry of environment and forests. The spotted big cats, which were found in India during the medieval period and are now extinct, are all set to be
