Recent findings presented at the annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology at Tours in France point out that male fertility starts to decline in the late 30s.

David Smith, a British chemical physicist, and Patrick Spanel, a Prague-based physicist, have deve

A study reveals how fidgety and restless people do not gain weight even if they overeat

Joshua M Smith and his team from North Dakota University, USA, suggest that writing can help improve the health of people, especially those suffering from chronic illnesses. The researchers asked 112

BRITISH doctors have discovered new cases of a sleeping disease which swept the world in the 1920s but was thought - till now - to have died out equally mysteriously. Encephalitis Lethargica affected

The city of Delhi needs a doctor to rid it of the demon of pollution. Unfortunately some doctors say pollution is not a problem

Serge Renaud, the French scientist who had earlier proved that drinking wine is a heart-friendly activity, recently came up with some more heartening news for wine lovers. According to him, two to

Studies show that houseflies carry a bacterium that causes ulcers

Enzymes have been found that may prevent infections caused by a fungus

a bangalore hospital has mastered the art of injecting a sperm into an egg cell outside the woman's body. This method is an advancement over the in vitro fertilisation of the test-tube method.
