New Zealand s far reaching reforms in conservation and forest management has changed the face of forestry in the country

In the '70s and the '80s, New Zealand's timber companies and conservation groups were at loggerheads conti

The Tarawera river in New Zealand was once an abundant source of food for the locals and the region's wildlife, but today, it is known as the black drain, thanks to the tonnes of toxic effluents

A crow making tools? Sounds in- credible, because the cognitive ability to design, make, standardise and use tools is normally thought to be an activity of the intelligent " human race. But

A special landfill site has been designed in New Zealand to exclusively handle toxic wastes. The use of a unique leachate system helps in restricting the leakage of dangerous chemicals into surrounding water bodies

THE French have never had it so bad. Roundly criticised for having gone ahead with the nuclear testing inspile of a barrage of criticisms from most countries, they are now being for blamed

Leaf fall and reproductive phenology of Avicennia marina assessed during 1982-83 using litter fall collections from twenty-five sites in Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand revealed major trends with latitude. Flowering shifted from NovemberDecember in northern tropical sites, to May-June in southern temperate sites. Periods between flowering and fruiting increased from two to three months in tropical sites to ten months in southernmost sites. Leaf fall was more variable with unimodal annual peaks in temperate sites and often multimodal patterns in the tropics.

Mangroves should not be used as sewage disposal sites. It is killing them. Mangroves grow in highly saline, coastal waters, representing a very unique ecosystem.

Europeans started over-exploiting freshwater fish at least 1,000 years ago, according to historical studies that could help manage depleted modern fish stocks worldwide.

Whales teemed in waters off New Zealand in the 19th century and a now almost non-existent cod stock in the Gulf of Maine totalled a huge 70,000 tonnes a year in the mid-19th century, according to historical records.

There are two forms of power. One is real power that can be translated into actual work typically measured in watts. Another is reactive power that is consumed by a device but does not produce any useful work. The sum of both forms of power is the power supplied by a utility. Power factor of an AC device like CFL ranges from 0 to 1. Closer the power factor of a machine is to 1 the lesser
