People are beginning to feel the effect of scorching heat in the very beginning of April. Most of the wells have dried. There is no water in ponds. Either the hand pumps give impure water or they have started to go out of order. Water crisis is also prevailing in cities. In several cities water has become a scarce commodity. Water level of big reservoirs are decreasing rapidly. Dams are in deteriorating condition. The members of municipal corporations and municipal councils often argue with one another. Water is being sold in all the big cities including capital.

POWERGRID, the Central Transmission Utility (CTU) of the country, is engaged in Construction and Operation & Maintenance of inter-State transmission system and operation of National & Regional Power Grids. Over a period of 16 years, POWERGRID has emerged as one of the largest and best managed transmission utilities in the world and is playing a strategic role in Indian Power Sector.

The Central government is scrutinising the steep escalation costs of 330-MW Kishenganga power project. The project proposed on a tributary of river Jhelum in Gurez Valley is proving to be a non-starter due to 68 per cent cost escalation. While modifying the design of the project by reducing storage, Union Cabinet had approved the project at the cost of Rs. 2238 crore in July 2007. But, even after eight months since the Cabinet approval the major works could not be awarded due to high price bids.

Just three days after Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal launched the Rs 80-crore energy saving scheme, designed to provide free compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) to all domestic consumers, Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board has called the country's top CFL manufacturers to work out modalities for the scheme's implementation.

Chandigarh, Apr 18 In order to ensure adequate power during the summers and ensuing paddy season, in the first meeting of steering committee for power planning (SCPP), chaired by Ashok Lavasa, financial commissioner & principal secretary (power), key issues like demand, availability, shortfall and arrangements to procure electricity from all possible sources were discussed,

Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) will seek non-sovereign loans of around Rs. 1,600 crore each from the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank to fianance the expansion and modernisation programme, company Chairman and Managing Director R. P. Singh said here on Thursday. Addressing press persons, Mr. Singh said the company had drawn up plans to invest Rs. 55,000 crore to set up transmission lines during the XI Plan.

The state cabinet has decided today to amend the provision relating to exemption in stamp duty under Incentive Policy for projects of power generation through non-conventional sources.

Even as it has increased the state's role in the economy, Vladimir Putin's authoritarian administration has presided over one of the world's biggest liberalisations

a large part of northern India, including capital Delhi, went powerless due to tripping of transmission lines of the Northern Grid. It first happened on March 8 and then on March 10, resulting in

The 110-megawatt (MW) power plant of Khulna Power Station (KPS) at Goalpara was shut down at about 11:00am yesterday due to technical glitch. The shutdown of the power plant resulted in severe power outage in 21 districts of Khulna and Barisal divisions and greater Faridpur. KPS control room said only 375 MW of electricity could be supplied yesterday against a demand of above 600 MW in the south-western region.
