Tata Motors on Sunday came out in support of Chief Minister Buddadeb Bhattacharjee whose offer of a fresh package for farmers whose land was taken has been rejected by Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee. In a press statement issued by the company, the Tatas appreciated the package offered by the state Government and said it was hopeful that the initiatives would generate favourable response from the farmers, creating a positive atmosphere in Singur.

GOING by the volume and intensity of India Inc's support for Ratan Tata, West Bengal would be in deep trouble if the Nano doesn't drive out of Singur. A leading industry association head went as far to say that the state could "kiss its industrial dreams goodbye".

SHUSHEN Shatra didn't have to die. The belligerent face-off over Tata Motors' Nano plant in Singur was finally moving towards mediation, negotiation and even a faint glimmer of resolution. But the high drama around the Tatas' decision to suspend work at the Singur plant (where two of Shatra's sons were working) got too much for the frail farmer to bear.


After much dilly dally, the Tata Motors have come forward to bail out the state government from the bumpy patches in Singur. Endorsing chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee

Bs Reporter / Kolkata September 15, 2008, 5:31 IST

The world

TROUBLED SITE: Trinamool Congress leader Becharam Manna (right), Managing Director of WBIDC, Subrata Gupta (second from right) along with members of the committee formed to help farmers visit the site in Singur last week.


The West Bengal government on Thursday again ruled out any possibility of returning 300 acres of land from within the Nano project area at Singur to the

Shishir Prashant / Pantnagar (uttarakhand) September 12, 2008, 5:12 IST

Amidst deepening suspense over the future of the Nano car project at Singur, speculation is rife in this industrial town of Uttarakhand that Tata Motors will add a four-wheeler plant to its existing Ace truck factory here.

Tata Motors owns 1,000 acres in this rapidly industrialising town in the prosperous terai region of the state. About 30 per cent of it is learnt to be vacant.

Bs Reporter / Kolkata September 12, 2008, 0:09 IST

A committee constituted under the aegis of the governor of West Bengal, Gopalkrishna Gandhi, may seek more time to submit its final report on land to be provided to the agitating farmers.

After a three-hour meeting, Rabindranath Bhattacharjee, Trinamool Congress MLA and chairman of the committee, said that the committee could submit an interim report and then seek more time for its final report.

Nitish Sengupta
