There is much in favour of reinvigorating Jodhpur's traditional water sources

The zabo is the chosen water harvesting system of the Chakhesang tribals of Nagaland's Kikruma village. Placed by fate in the rain shadow of a mountain receives 1,613 mm of average annual rainfall. The Chakhesangs have found a way out of their water shor

• FOREST LAND: A catchment area of about 1.5 ha or more is kept under natural vegetation upstream of the ponds to serve as a water source during monsoons. The slope of the catchment area is

Kikruma's terrace cultivation systern is labour intensive, but scientific

Chittor and Ranthambhore. Proud traditions of valour, chivalry and patriotism are complemented by one of common sense in the storage and use of water resource

India has had a tradition of water harvesting which is more than two millennia old

Bengal s history provides an eye opener in the form of the opinions of a British irrigation expert

Our traditional water harvesting structures demonstrate the people s ingenuity at its best. Using unique modes and basic engineering skills, Indians have developed a wide array of techniques for satisfying their thirst

The most outstanding example of conjunctive use of water (prevalent in Rajasthan's arid regions) is in the city of Jodhpur, once a fabulously rich desert fort. The Jodhpur fort is situated at the

In Tamil Nadu, which has a profusion of tanks, local irrigation institutions have evolved to develop a common code for maintenance, water-sharing and resolution of conflicts. The
