It was the night between December 2 and 3 in 1984. It was a night when graveyards in Old Bhopal ran short of space and cloth merchants threw open their shops at midnight, freely donating any length of cloth to cover the endless corpses that were to be cremated or buried

Says its officials were not involved in Bhopal plant operations

The verdict of the Chief Judicial Magistrate

He knew about an audit of Bhopal plant, which identified 30 hazards

Warren Anderson was the chairman and chief executive of Union Carbide Corporation, once one of the largest chemical polymer companies in the United States. He was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1921 to Swedish immigrant parents.

Higher courts will take their own time to deliver justice

Nearing 90, the CEO of Union Carbide at the time of the disaster lives the life of a recluse in a multi-million dollar home in NY

New Delhi: It will be unkind to blame the trial court for handing out mild punishments to the Bhopal gas leak accused whose collective negligence caused an industrial catastrophe. For, the court

Mahim Pratap Singh

Bhopal: A court here on Monday convicted all the seven accused, including the former chairman of Union Carbide, Keshub Mahindra, in the Bhopal gas tragedy case and awarded them a maximum of two years' imprisonment.

They were released on bail later in the evening.

Over 25 yrs after the world

NEW DELHI: Activists and survivors of the Bhopal gas tragedy have slammed Monday's verdict in the case against eight former Union Carbide India executives as
