Uranium mining

SHILLONG: Principal Advisor of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) V P Raja would soon place a report on the progress of the open-cast uranium mining in Meghalaya in the Prime Minister's Office.

"I will submit a detailed report to the PMO on the progress of the project, besides opinion of the NGOs," Mr Raja told UNI here after winding his three-day visit to the State.

SHILLONG, Sept 24:

Shillong: The KSU, which has been spearheading the movement against the proposed uranium mining, reiterated its total opposition to the mining project and the proposal to set up a nuclear plant in the State.

SHILLONG: Uranium mining in the State still appears to be a distant reality with prominent NGOs either not favouring or undecided over the project even as the visiting Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) officials claimed "fruitful and productive talks" with the State Government and anti-mining bodies.

SHILLONG, Sept 23: Extraction of the Uranium deposits in Meghalaya is vital for the country

SHILLONG, Sept 22: Contradictory views within the constituents of the Meghalaya Progressive Alliance (MPA) Government would stall any decision on the proposed uranium mining in the State.

SHILLONG, Sept 22: The principal advisor to the Government of India (attached with the Atomic Mineral Division) VP Raja today held a series of talks with the Chief Minister Dr Donkupar Roy, the leader of the opposition DD Lapang and the Deputy Chief Minister HS Lyngdoh.


SHILLONG: Despite prolonged opposition from NGOs and political leaders, the Centre has continued its all-out campaign over the touchy issue of uranium mining in the State, offering hefty development package and strongly maintaining that the uranium project would be carried out in an environment-friendly manner.

Even with the prospect of uranium imports on the horizon, the Centre was simultaneously working to step up its domestic uranium mining effort as a hedge against possible spikes in global uranium prices and supply disruption risks in the future.
