Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Rajesh Pareek Vs State of Uttar Pradesh dated 05/10/2023.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Ramnaresh Vs State of Uttar Pradesh & Others dated 29/08/2023.

The grievance in the application is regarding discharge of untreated sewage in Pamari drain which is adding to pollution of river Yamuna.  The NGT vide order dated August 30, 2022 had directed a joint committee to submit a report on the matter.

The Tribunal, August 29, 2023 noted that the replies filed before the court was "materially deficient".

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Dr Lokesh Kumar Vs State of Haryana dated 02/08/2023.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Munish Vs Haryana State Pollution Control Board & Others dated 21/07/2023.

Issue raised in the application was illegal mining by M/s Ultimate Group, tehsil Gannaur, district Sonipat, Haryana. It was further contended that the unit is extracting sand from Yamuna beyond permissible quantity and without consent to operate in violation of section 33 (A) of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and in violation of EC conditions.

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Govt of NCT of Delhi Vs Ashwani Yadav dated 11/07/2023.

The Supreme Court, July 11, 2023 stayed a National Green Tribunal (NGT) order asking Delhi's Lieutenant Governor to head a committee constituted to deal with issues concerning rejuvenation of Yamuna river.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Nizamuddin West Association Vs Union of India & Others dated 19/05/2023.

The application was filed by DDA for permission for installation of a lighthouse in the greenway, adjacent to the Yamuna flood plains, for additional surveillance and security of the flood plains. The applicant said that there is prohibition of any construction in flood plain zone unless such activity is of exceptional nature for protection of flood plain or otherwise.

Response on behalf of state of Uttar Pradesh in compliance to the National Green Tribunal order dated February 28, 2023 in Original Application No 510/2022 Ramnaresh Vs State of Uttar Pradesh & Others.

Submissions by Amicus Curiae in OA NO. 581 of 2022 (Vikas Kumar Vs. State of Haryana).

The matter related to illegal mining in the name of Yodha Mines and Minerals in the river bed of Yamuna. Further, the miner diverted course of the river by constructing illegal bridge on river Yamuna.

Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding Dr. Sanjay Kulshresthra Vs Govt. of Uttar Pradesh & Others dated 11/04/2023.

Grievance in the application is against discharge of pollution in Yamuna river at Agra by the concerned local authority as well as private industrial/commercial establishments.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of In re: News item published in Newspaper Kalam Hindustani dated 22.01.2023 titled “Illegal mining at Kairana’s Ramda in Yamuna, who is responsible?” dated 24/02/2023.

Proceedings in the matter have been initiated suo motu in the light of captioned media report about illegal mining from Yamuna river at Ramda in Kairana tehsil in district Shamli, Uttar Pradesh.
