CPCB report on M/s Speciality Industries Polymers & Coating Pvt. Ltd. SIDCUL, Sitarjanj, Udham Singh Nagar district, Uttarakhand

Report by the Central Pollution Control Board, Regional Directorate, Lucknow to look into the matter of pollution by M/s Speciality Industries Polymers & Coating Pvt. Ltd. SIDCUL, Sitarjanj, Udham Singh Nagar district, Uttarakhand. The unit is engaged in production of polymer emulsion and acrylic water based emulsions.

The unit was visited on January 28, 2020 in reference to the National Green Tribunal (NGT) order of December 3, 2019 in the matter of O.A. No. 123/2018 by joint team of officials from Regional Directorate, CPCB, Lucknow and Regional Office UEPPCB, Kashipur. The unit has yet not obtained no objection certificate from Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) for extraction of groundwater. The unit had applied for the same on May 11, 2017. The unit has installed electromagnetic flow meters for measurement of water consumption and wastewater generation.

The data on daily basis was maintained by the unit. As per the log book, water consumption during January 1-28, 2020 was 30.02 KLD. During visit, it was observed that the unit was not discharging any treated effluent into the Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) conveyance system and the pipe connecting PETP outlet to CETP conveyance system was removed. All the process and domestic effluent generated was recycled and reused in the process after treatment. As per Consolidated Consent & Authorization (CCA), ETP sludge was the only hazardous waste generated during the process. The unit had obtained membership of treatment, storage, and disposal facility (TSDF), being operated by M/s Bharat Oil and Waste Management Ltd.

The CPCB recommended a fine of Rs. 19,90,000 for non-compliance with respect to industrial pollution from May 18, 2018 - December 4, 2018. Further, Rs. 5,33,760 for 26,688 m3 groundwater extraction without NOC from CGWA. In addition, Rs. 20 per m3 would be charged from the unit till it obtains NOC from CGWA. The unit was asked to carry out and submit third party feasibility report of zero liquid discharge (ZLD) installed.

Note: The report was uploaded to the NGT site on July 16, 2020