Guideline for utilization of EC Fund by CPCB, 09/11/2020
Guideline for utilization of EC Fund by CPCB, 09/11/2020
Guideline for utilization of EC Fund by CPCB in Original Application No. 593 of 2017 in the matter of Paryavaran Suraksha Samiti & Others Vs Union of India & Others.
The “Guideline for Utilization of Environmental Compensation (EC) Fund” provides the framework for sanction and assessment of projects financed with EC amount and was broadly based on MoEF&CC’s “Guidelines for Scheme – Assistance for Abatement of Pollution 2012” wherein appropriate modifications had been incorporated. Scope of Assistance EC Fund Funds collected under EC would be allocated to CPCB/ SPCB/PCCs for execution of projects.
The sharing of EC (25%) fund for the projects were the following:
(a) 100% funding to projects from CPCB
(b) 100% funding to R & D projects, received from SPCBs/PCCs, with replicability in other areas
(c) Projects (other than R & D) received from SPCBs/PCCs (except NE-States/Weaker States); fund sharing would be on 60:40 basis (CPCB 60%, SPCB/PCC 40%)
(d) Projects (other than R & D) from NE-SPCBs and Weaker SPCBs, fund sharing would be on 90:10 basis (CPCB 90%, SPCB/PCC 10%)
Note: The guideline of November 9, 2020 was uploaded to the NGT site on February 18, 2021