Judgement of the National Green Tribunal regarding constructing buildings on the plots bearing Survey Nos. 36/4, 37/1 and 37/2, situated at village Kausa (district Thane) dated 26/09/2013
Judgement of the National Green Tribunal regarding constructing buildings on the plots bearing Survey Nos. 36/4, 37/1 and 37/2, situated at village Kausa (district Thane) dated 26/09/2013
Judgement of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Virani Construction Company Vs State Level Environmental Impact Assessment Commitee II (SEAC II) Maharashtra & Others dated 26/09/2013 regarding constructing buildings on the plots bearing Survey Nos. 36/4, 37/1 and 37/2, situated at village Kausa (district Thane).
Original Source: http://www.greentribunal.gov.in/judgment/72_2013(Ap)(wZ)_26sept2013_final_order.pdf
Judgement Date:
Thursday, September 26, 2013