Judgement of the National Green Tribunal regarding mining activity and construction within the Valmiki National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary, West Champaran district, Bihar, 18/02/2016
Judgement of the National Green Tribunal regarding mining activity and construction within the Valmiki National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary, West Champaran district, Bihar, 18/02/2016
The state of Bihar would not permit any mining or commercial activity in the entire area of Valmiki National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary measuring 2,11,535 ha ordered the National Green Tribunal (NGT) in this 14-page judgement.
NGT came down heavily on the State Government of Bihar and Union Ministry of Environment and Forests as "both have failed to discharge their statutory obligations and identify, delineate and notify the requisite areas and prohibit any activity, mining, commercial or non-forest activity destructive of the wildlife.
Judgement of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of T.N. Godavarman Thirumalpad Vs Union of India & Others dated 18/02/2016 regarding mining activity and construction within the Valmiki National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary, West Champaran district, State of Bihar.
NGT came down heavily on the State Government of Bihar and MoEF as "both have failed to discharge their statutory obligations and identify, delineate and notify the requisite areas and prohibit any activity, mining, commercial or non-forest activity destructive of the wildlife" and directed that State of Bihar would not permit any mining or commercial activity and also would not permit any nonforest activity being carried on in the entire area of Valmiki National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary admeasuring 2,11,535 ha.