Order of the High Court of Delhi regarding grant of grant of Covid-19 ex-gratia relief to registered construction workers, Delhi, 13/07/2021

Order of the High Court of Delhi in W.P.(C) 6444/2021 in the matter of Ratiram Ahirwar & Others Vs Delhi Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board & Others dated 13/07/2021.

The Lieutenant Governor of Delhi in exercise of his power under Section 22 of the Building and Other Construction Workers’ (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service), Act, 1996 had directed payment of Covid-19 ex-gratia amount to registered construction workers in Delhi. The matter related to grant of Covid-19 ex-gratia relief to registered construction workers in Delhi.

The High Court directed the Delhi Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board to expeditiously publish the list of registered workers along with the details of payments released to them and if not, the reasons.

Sourced from LiveLaw