Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding the deteriorating ambient air quality index in Delhi NCR, 08/11/2017

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Vikrant Kumar Tongad Vs. Environment Pollution (Prevention Control) Authority & Others dated 08/11/2017 regarding the deteriorating ambient air quality index in Delhi NCR.

The directions passed by the Court include the following:

1. National Green Tribunal directs Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi Pollution Control Committee, Haryana Pollution Control Board, Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board, Punjab State Pollution Control Board and Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board to put in public domain the ambient air quality index (AQI) which will include PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, PM2.5, PM10, CO, Ozone, Ammonia and Lead. This should be done in the various parts of NCR by all source of pollution and report be submitted before the Tribunal.

2. The states of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana have been asked to report the steps taken to ensure that there is no crop residue burning in the area adjacent to Delhi and under their own jurisdictions.

3. NCT Delhi and all the State Government would state before the Tribunal as to why the agricultural residue lying in the field of the farmers has not been collected and utilised for biomass based energy plants and for the industries which can manufacture board and allied items from such agricultural residue.

4. NCT Delhi and the State Governments of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh have been asked for the reason of delay in stopping construction and industrial activities.
