Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding diversion of areas marked as Natural Conservation Zone (NCZ) by the National Capital Region Planning Board, 07/08/2018
Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding diversion of areas marked as Natural Conservation Zone (NCZ) by the National Capital Region Planning Board, 07/08/2018
Order of the Natinal Green Tribunal in the matter of Legal Aid Committee, NGT Bar Association Vs. MoEF & Others dated 07/08/2018. This application seeks directions to check diversion of the area marked as Natural Conservation Zone (NCZ) by the National Capital Region Planning Board (NCRPB) in the Regional Plan. The Applicant has alleged that the States of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan have diverted the NCZ area in violation of the original plan while preparing Sub-regional Plans and such diversion will adversely affect the environment.
NGT directs a Committee to be constituted to go into the question whether the Subregional Plans of the State are consistent with the Regional Plan statutorily prepared by the National Capital Region Planning Board.