Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding persons carrying on a business of dealing with old and unusable vehicles, railway materials and other such machinery are dealing with the dismantling of the same, 24/01/2014
Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding persons carrying on a business of dealing with old and unusable vehicles, railway materials and other such machinery are dealing with the dismantling of the same, 24/01/2014
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sh. S.C. Jain Vs. Govt of NCT of Delhi & Ors.dated 24/01/2014 regarding persons carrying on a business of dealing with old and unusable vehicles, railway materials and other such machinery are dealing with the dismantling of the same. The Applicants say they are grieved with the NGT order which says “No person shall use any gas or electronic cutters in dismantling of heavy machineries like generators, tankers and transformers etc.” Their preliminary grievance is that as a result of the above direction their business has come to an end and they are practically starving as of now. Further, it is stated that they only use LPG and Oxygen for the purposes of cutting metallic scrap material mainly made of iron and for no other activity. According to them they are neither causing any pollution nor are violating provisions of law.
Original Source: http://www.greentribunal.gov.in/orderinpdf/50-2013(THC)(OA)_24Jan2014.pdf
Previous Orders: http://www.greentribunal.gov.in/e-orders.php?eid=5076