Order pf the National Green Tribunal regarding illegal cutting and pruning of trees in Vasant Vihar, Delhi, 20/12/2022

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Prof. Dr. Sanjeev Bagai & Others Vs Department of Environment, GNCTD & Others dated 20/12/2022.

The matter related to illegal act of cutting, felling and pruning of trees in Vasant Vihar.

The applicants have submitted that some trees were cut/felled in Vasant Vihar on September 30, 2022 without any permission and a complaint dated October 28, 2022 was lodged in this regard by Sanjeev Bagai with various authorities.

On November 18, 2022 the applicants received a Whatsapp communication stating that there are around 7000 trees in Vasant Vihar pruning of which was long due and the pruning would start from November 21, 2022. It was further stated that Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) does not have the means to carry out pruning and had conveyed its inability to carry out pruning of trees in Vasant Vihar.

The applicants raised objections to the same and also sought information from the MCD under the Right to Information Act, 2005 but did not receive any response. The contractor engaged started pruning of trees in Vasant Vihar from November 20, 2022 without obtaining requisite permission under the Delhi Preservation of Trees Act, 1994 and the Guidelines dated October 1, 2019 for pruning of trees.

The applicants made complaints to the concerned authorities but no action has been taken on the same. The National Green Tribunal (NGT) directed the -Commissioner, Municipal Corporation of Delhi; Deputy Conservator of Forest, West Forests Division (Tree Officer) and the Vasant Vihar Welfare Association to file response on the matter.