Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding diversion of forest land in Tamil Nadu which will also lead to felling of 110 Red Sanders trees by the National Highways Authority of India, 06/03/2018
Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding diversion of forest land in Tamil Nadu which will also lead to felling of 110 Red Sanders trees by the National Highways Authority of India, 06/03/2018
Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of In Re: T. N. Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs Union of India & Others dated 06/03/2018 regarding diversion of forest land in Tamil Nadu which will also lead to felling of 110 Red Sanders trees by the National Highways Authority of India. Supreme Court allows diversion of forest land subject to permission granted by the authorities under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, fulfillment of the conditions laid therein as well as the payment of Net Present Value and compensatory afforestation in the area identified for this purpose.