Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding effect of mining on vegetation, 16/01/2019

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Common Cause Vs Union of India & Others dated 16/01/2019 regarding deleterious effect of mining on vegetation of the area. Mining results in a complete elimination of grass in the area which results in denial of fodder to herbivores. Court has been informed that re-grassing technology is in existence today. Counsel for the applicant – Mining Lease Holder has stated before the Court that the mine owners would be willing to bear the cost of re-grassing upon termination of mining activities in the area since it is in the larger interest of the environment.

Supreme Court directs State of Orissa, to look into the matter and make appropriate suggestions for implementing this proposal of re-grassing after termination of mining activities. Further Counsel appearing for the respondent-Union of India informed the Court that this will also be included as a part of the National Mining Policy 2019 which is being formulated by them.