Order of the Supreme Court regarding removal of fallen trees from TTZ area, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, 29/01/2021

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the M.C. Mehta Vs Union of India dated 29/01/2021.

The matter related to  trees which had fallen due to strong cyclone/storm of April 11, 2018 and May 2, 2015 numbering 702 trees in Agra, Uttar Pradesh. The fallen trees need to be removed. The application was filed for grant of permission to collect and remove 702 fallen trees from various locations of district Agra.

The SC said that with regard to to the "general exemption from order dated 08.05.2015 for felling and disposal of diseased, dry, fallen and uprooted trees in the TTZ area" if any authority or person wished to remove and dispose of the diseased, dry and fallen or uprooted trees in the Taj Trapezium Zone (TTZ) area, they have to make an application to the Central Empowered Committee giving an exact description and location of the fallen trees that are intended to be removed. The CEC would visit the site and inspect the trees and grant or deny permission and report the same to the SC. The report must be placed before the court along with the application made by the persons who intended to remove the trees.