Report on steps to control air pollution due to loading and unloading of cement, near Shakurbasti Railway Station, Delhi
Report on steps to control air pollution due to loading and unloading of cement, near Shakurbasti Railway Station, Delhi
Report by the Central Railside Warehouse Company (CRWC) dated April 18, 2020 in compliance to the NGT order of January 10, 2020 in the matter of Anubhav Kumar Vs Union of India & Others.
The matter related to air pollution due to loading/unloading of cement near Shakurbasti Railway Station, Delhi.
The report informed the tribunal that CRWC had got warehouses covered which protect cement dust emission. It had taken steps to prevent the air pollution and control the fugitive dust emission. It had also deployed part-time physician to check the health of the workers. The plantation was also done at the terminal to control the dust in the environment.