Response to the report of the Joint Committee on the destruction of mangroves in Kakinada bay, Andhra Pradesh, 13/04/2021
Response to the report of the Joint Committee on the destruction of mangroves in Kakinada bay, Andhra Pradesh, 13/04/2021
Response to the report of the Joint Committee on behalf of the applicants in the matter of E.A.S. Sarma & Others Vs Union of India & Others dated 13/04/2021. The matter related to illegal dredging and discharge of dredge spoil into the mangroves in violation of CRZ Notification of 2011 and 2018 in Kakinada Bay, Andhra Pradesh.
The NGT vide order August 27, 2020 directed appointment of a Joint Committee to submit a factual as well as action taken report to see whether there was any violation of environmental norms including assessment of environmental compensation and remedial measures to be taken to restore the damage caused to the environment. The committee was also asked to look into the nature of damage caused to the mangroves and mudflats and also on account of the construction of the bund preventing the flow of sea water in the area and the consequential damage caused to the mangroves and the mudflats and Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary.
The Joint Committee visited the site and submitted its report to the NGT.
The NGT, February 18, 2021 directed the committee to file a further report and the applicants were permitted to file their objections to the Joint Committee report.
The applicants in their report to the NGT, April 13, 2021 said that the Andhra Pradesh Maritime Board and GMR Energy Ltd. are the main violators responsible for destroying the mangroves, mudflat and the rich biodiversity of the Kakinada bay area. Instead of addressing this violation and penalty the committee suggested the supervision of restoration of mangroves to Andhra Pradesh Maritime Board.