Question raised in Lok Sabha on Agricultural Output Affected by Deficit Rainfall, 20/03/2018
Data and Statistics
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Agricultural Output Affected by Deficit Rainfall, 20/03/2018
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Agricultural Output Affected by Deficit Rainfall, 20/03/2018. As per the Second Advance Estimates for 2017-18, the production of foodgrains for Rabi season is estimated at 139.02 million tonnes which is higher by 2.24 million tonnes than the previous record production of 136.78 million tonnes during 2016-17. Whereas, the production of Rabi oilseeds has been estimated at 9.52 million tonnes in 2017-18 which is marginally lower by 0.24 million tonnes than the production of 9.76 million tonnes during 2016-17. State-wise details of production of foodgrains and oilseeds during rabi season of 2016-17 and 2017-18 (as per Second Advance Estimates) are given at Annexure.