Question raised in Lok Sabha on Crop Insurance Scheme, 18/07/2017
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Question raised in Lok Sabha on Crop Insurance Scheme, 18/07/2017
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Crop Insurance Scheme, 18/07/2017. PMFBY envisages coverage of all food crops (cereals, millets and pulses), oilseeds and annual commercial/horticultural crops. Besides above perennial commercial/horticultural crops can be covered under RWBCIS and CPIS is being implemented for coconut growers. However, as per provisons of the schemes State/UT Governments notify the crops in their respective areas. Statewise details of crops notified under PMFBY and RWBCIS during 2016-17 are at Annexure-I. State-wise and crop season-wise details of farmers benefitted under different crop insurance
schemes during last three years are at Annexure-II.