Question raised in Lok Sabha on Flood Management Programme (FMP), Extension, Renovation and Modernisation (ERM) of canals and Repairing, Restoration and Renovation (RRR) of water bodies, 10/12/2015
Data and Statistics
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Flood Management Programme (FMP), Extension, Renovation and Modernisation (ERM) of canals and Repairing, Restoration and Renovation (RRR) of water bodies, 10/12/2015
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Flood Management Programme (FMP), Extension, Renovation and Modernisation (ERM) of canals and Repairing, Restoration and Renovation (RRR) of water bodies, 10/12/2015. The Salient Features of Flood Management Programme (FMP), Extension, Renovation and Modernisation (ERM) of canals and Repairing, Restoration and Renovation (RRR) of water bodies are given. The status of projects received, techno-economically cleared, and included under above programmes and funds released during XII Plan is given in Annex-1, 2, 3 and 4. As per study based on satellite data of 1989-91 and 2004-06 carried out by Space Application Centre (SAC) and Central Water Commission (CWC), an area of about73.061 square kilometre has been lost to costal in these years. The State-wise details are given in Annex-5. Details of proposals (under ERM) received during the current plan and action taken (External Assistance Projects) and Details of assistance released/utilised during the last three years (External Assistance Projects) is Annex-6&7.