Question raised in Lok Sabha on Forest Village in Gujarat, 04/01/2019
Data and Statistics
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Forest Village in Gujarat, 04/01/2019
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Forest Village in Gujarat, 04/01/2019. As per information received from respective State Governments and Ministry of Tribal Affairs, the number of the forest villages and villages inside the core/critical tiger habitat in the country, State-wise including Gujarat, is given at Annexure-I. Developments work like road, drinking water, school, electrification, sanitation, etc are done in forest settlement villages by the respective line departments and forest department of a State Government. Such details are not collated in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. However, total fund utilized by forest department of Gujarat during last three years is given in Annexure-II. Components funded under Gram Vikas Yojana are covered under other schemes of Ministry of Tribal Affairs particularly Special Central Assistance to Tribal SubPlan (SCA to TSP) and grants under Article 275(1) of the Constitution of India where grants have been increased. During the last three years and the current year funding requirement of the various components of the said special area programme has been done through other schemes of the Ministry. The details of Budget Estimates (BE) and expenditure under these programmes during the last three years and the current year is given in Annexure-III.