Question raised in Lok Sabha on Impact of Changing Weather Patterns on Agriculture, 11/12/2018
Data and Statistics
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Impact of Changing Weather Patterns on Agriculture, 11/12/2018
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Impact of Changing Weather Patterns on Agriculture, 11/12/2018. Agricultural crops have been affected due to calamities, the details of the assistance provided under natural calamities during the last three years is given at Annexure-I. As per available information, the scientist of India Meteorological Department and other institutions has found significant changes in the rainfall pattern, extreme events etc. Both flood and drought in individual years does not depend on climate change. However, as an impact of climate change, it is being reported that the spatial variability, intensity and frequency of extreme events like heavy rainfall have increased. Unseasonal/heavy rains accompanied with hailstorm, cyclone etc. has affected the states is given at Annexure –II.