Question raised in Lok Sabha on River Pollution, 18/07/2017
Data and Statistics
Question raised in Lok Sabha on River Pollution, 18/07/2017
Question raised in Lok Sabha on River Pollution, 18/07/2017. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in association with the State Pollution Control Boards monitors the river water quality across the country through a network of 1275 monitoring stations on various rivers under the National Water Quality Monitoring Programme. As per the report published by CPCB in February 2015, 302 polluted river stretches have been identified on 275 rivers based on Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) levels, a key indicator of organic pollution. The State-wise details, including Karnataka, are at Annexure-I. The details of budget allocation and funds released during the last three years and current year under NRCP, State-wise are given at Annexure-II.