Question raised in Lok Sabha on Tiger/Elephant Reserves, 21/07/2015

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Tiger/Elephant Reserves, 21/07/2015. The details of Tiger Reserves under Project Tiger and Elephant Reserves under Project Elephant in the country, State-wise, are at Annexure-I (a) & (b) respectively. In-principle approval has been accorded by the National Tiger Conservation Authority for creation of three new tiger reserves: (i) Ratapani (Madhya Pradesh), (ii) Sunabeda (Odisha) and (iii) Guru Ghasidas (Chhattisgarh). Elephant reserves are created as per recommendations received from concerned State Government based on the conservation need and other factors. The details of funds allocated/disbursed for Project Tiger alongwith utilisation by States and Project Elephant during each of the last three years and the current year, State-wise, are at Annexure-II (a) & (b) respectively. The assessment of the status of tigers, co-predators and their prey 2014 using the refined methodology has shown a countrywide 30% increase in tiger numbers with an estimated number of 2226 (range 1945-2491) as compared to 2010 estimation [1706 (1520-1909 tigers)]. The details of tiger estimation pertaining to tiger landscapes in the country, for the years 2010 and 2014 are at Annexure-III. As per efforts made by the Government of India through Project Elephant, the population of wild elephant in the country has increased from 26373 in 2002 to 29391-30711 in 2012 as at Annexure-IV.
