Question raised in Rajya Sabha on survey on poverty in rural areas, 03/08/2015

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on survey on poverty in rural areas, 03/08/2015. As per the latest estimates of poverty by the erstwhile Planning Commission, the rural poverty ratio in the country was 41.8% in 2004-05 and was 25.7% in 2011-12. On July 3, 2015 Government released on line the provisional data from the Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC) 2011 for Rural India. It provides data on households regarding various aspects of their socio-economic status - housing, land-holding/landlessness, educational status, status of women, the differently able, occupation, possession of assets, SC/ST households, incomes, etc. SECC data captures respondent based disclosures on socio economic status of 17.91 crore rural households and thus allows automatic exclusion of 7.05 crore (39.39%) of households as not poor on the basis of 14 parameters, automatic inclusion of 16.50 lakh (0.92%) households as poorest of the poor on the basis of 5 parameters and grading of deprivation of 8.69 crore (48.49%) of rural households on the basis of seven criteria. State/UT - wise percentage of rural households admitting incidence of 1-7 deprivation parameters is given in Annexure.
