Impact of the pesticide endosulfan 35% ec on the haematological parameters of fresh water fish, cirrhinus mrigala
Pesticidal stress is very common factor today in human health and animal health. Most of the world s population depends upon fish food. Fishes can serve as bioindicators
of environmental pollution since they are directly exposed to chemicals resulting from agricultural production via surface run off or in directly through the food chain of ecosystem. Haematological parameters are considered as index of the total body and therefore they are important for diagnosing structural and functional strategy of fish. However, the diet composition, metabolic adaptation and variation in fish activity are the main factors responsible for the changes in haematological parameters of fish. Appropriate narrow range of concentrations from 0.1 to 0.6ppm was used to find the median lethal concentration, using 10 fishes for each concentration and mortality was recorded for every 24hrs up to 72 hrs. The LC50 value is 0.4 ppm for 72hrs.10 fishes were exposed in each experiment and blood was collected from gills and caudal region. The blood samples were tested for haematological parameters. All the parameters were found to be decreased except WBC, lymphocytes and eosinophils when compared to control.