What lessons for policy makers at national and international level can be drawn from the growing experiences of reconciling development and climate change? The key to achieving this is to approach the problem from the development perspective, since that is where in most countries the priority lies. Current knowledge on how to realize the benefits of such an integrated approach is assessed. The focus is on the main national development priorities, such as poverty reduction, disaster reduction, rural development, energy supply and transportation. Barriers and promising approaches are identified, based on the experience gained in several countries. The potential is explored for enhancing the global impact of such integrated approaches through replication of national experiences, supported by international organizations. Opportunities for large-scale initiatives are considered at national or regional level. The role of international agreements in fostering integrated development and climate policies is analysed, showing opportunities for achieving large co-benefits for addressing climate change by making use of existing policy frameworks for
development and going beyond the UNFCCC framework.

Keywords: climate change vulnerability; development; disaster reduction; mainstreaming; policy formation; poverty
reduction; sustainable development; synergy
