A study on problems of marketing vegetables in farmers market
A study on problems of marketing vegetables in farmers market
Horticultural development had not been a priority until recent years in India. It was later in the post 1993 period that focused attention was given to horticulture development through an enhancement of plan allocation and knowledge-based technology. Despite of this decade being a period of “golden revolution” productivity of the horticultural crops has increased only marginally from 7.5 tonnes per hectare in 1991-92 to 8.4 tonnes per hectare in 2004-05 (NHB, 2005 In 2005total area under fruits and vegetables had been 11.72 million hectares and total production had been 150.73 million tones (NHB, 2005). Of the 456 million tons of vegetable produced in the world, India’s share is 59 million tons.