Climate-induced disasters are causing increasingly frequent and intense economic damages, disproportionally affecting emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs) relative to advanced economies (AEs). However, the impact of various types of climate shocks on output growth and fiscal positions of EMDEs is not fully understood.

According to this new analysis of the top 20 costliest extreme climate disasters over 2023 has revealed a “global postcode lottery stacked against the poor” where the relative economic impact of disasters varies considerably across countries.

As the world rapidly urbanises, the imperative to forge resilient cities capable of withstanding the formidable challenges posed by climate change has never been more urgent.

This report examines the risk of climate-related impact on nature-based value chains in four arid and semi-arid counties in Kenya, where the intersection of climate-related hazard and vulnerability of pastoral communities and natural systems necessitates a shift from resilience to adaptation.

Unless developing Asia decarbonizes its development, global warming is unlikely to stay below the internationally agreed limit of 2°C above preindustrial levels. Integrated assessment modeling offers insights into how a low carbon transition can be achieved.
