Education can be the key to ending poverty in a livable planet, but governments must act now to protect it. Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as cyclones, floods, droughts, heatwaves and wildfires.

Global megatrends such as income inequality, climate change, demographic shifts, technological progress, and urbanisation are shaping the future of societies. Yet, their quantitative impacts on development are neither well understood nor established.

This brief examines solutions on the Adaptation at Altitude Solutions Portal that have been implemented either across borders or in multiple countries with shared borders. These transboundary solutions were then categorised according to the type of risk that they primarily address: hazards, risks to shared resources, ecosystem risks.

The availability of open, high-quality, consistent, and comprehensive greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data is essential to understanding the global trend in GHG emissions, and for countries to see their emission profiles, compare their impacts with those of other countries, identify mitigation opportunities, and reduce emissions.

Climate change impacts globally have increased the urgency for ambitious action on adaptation. This is especially the case in the world’s most vulnerable regions, including Africa.
