Clinging to the roots
Clinging to the roots
tribals residing in the Nagarhole National Park in Mysore, Karnataka, are up in arms against the proposed eco-development project which is being funded by the World Bank (wb). They contend that the project will displace them and deprive them of their economic and cultural rights. The wb is aiding the eco-development project for 21 national parks in the country including Nagarhole, which has been the traditional home of over 7,000 tribals called Jenukurubas, Bettakurubas and Yerava.
The tribals are sore about the fact that the wb and the Union environment ministry had taken a unilateral decision without considering their objections and suggestions. They had been deliberately ignored by the forest department officials during meetings on the issue of rehabilitation. They also charged the officials with providing false information about the participation of voluntary organisations to the wb which had made it clear that the customary rights of the people should be protected and their participation should be ensured.