Emissions unlimited

efforts to cut global carbon dioxide ( co 2 ) emissions have not yielded much success. Recent findings indicate that the emission from burning of fossil fuels has continued to increase. The highest levels of co 2 were recorded in the Asia Pacific, which include India, China and the Middle East. The London-based World Energy Commission ( wec ) has conducted the study.

Researchers say that the Asia Pacific region except Japan, Australia and New Zealand, has shown a 37 per cent increase in emission during 1990 as against the level of emissions in eastern Europe that has shown a gradual decline. co 2 emissions for the Asia Pacific region stand at 1.5 billion tonnes a year, which is 6.4 per cent higher than the figures in 1990 and 2.7 per cent higher than the co 2 emissions in 1995. Other contributors to global pollution are Germany, Denmark and the uk . Ironically, these countries are supposed to be the most environment conscious countries in Europe.