Fodder for development

FEEDING THE HERDS: IMPROVING FODDER RESOURCES IN BHUTAN . Walter Roder, Kinzang Wangdi, Pema Gyamtsho and Karma Dorji . International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development . Kathmandu . 2001

The transition of rural Bhutanese society from subsistence to a market economy has been one of the bigger challenges this mountainous country has had to face. As livestock is one of its chief resources, the government initiated a number of livestock development programmes, of which fodder development is one of the chief areas of focus.

This book is the first comprehensive review of feed and fodder development activities in Bhutan. It was completed in 2001, based on over 40 years of research work, in collaboration between the Bhutan Ministry of Agriculture and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development. It provides excellent technical data and information along with an in-depth look at Bhutan's legislative and farming systems framework for forage development.