The AP High Court on Monday directed the state government to file a status report on the quantity of the Krishna water required to cater to the drinking water needs of the people of Hyderabad, Secunderabad, Nalgonda, Guntur and Prakas-am districts. The court said it had no concern with politics, only with equal distribution of water to all the regions of the state.

A Division Bench, comprising acting Chief Jus-tice P.C. Ghose and Just-ice Vilas V. Afzulpurkar, was dealing with petitions seeking a direction to the state government to not release water from Nagarjunasagar to the Krishna Delta if the water level in the reservoir was below 510 feet. D. Prakash Reddy, senior counsel arguing for the petitioners, brought to the notice of the court that the water levels at Srisailam and Nagarju-nasagar reservoirs may not be sufficient to fulfill drinking water needs till June 30, 2012.