Instant data

scientists at the Institute of Genomics and Integrated Biology (igib) in Delhi have developed a device for instant monitoring of organic pollution in wastewater. The Biochemical Oxygen Demand (bod) biosensor can analyse a sample and generate the results in less than 10 minutes, and that too, at the site itself. In comparison, other methods to estimate bod require 3-5 days, besides costly incubators and chemicals.

Lack of on-site monitoring tools has handicapped agencies such as the Central Pollution Control Board (cpcb) that monitor sewage and effluent treatment plants. Says cpcb additional director R C Trivedi, “A quick estimation by the sensor would facilitate monitoring agencies in initiating immediate action against violators, thereby leading to stricter enforcement of pollution control laws.” The device has been patented and is likely to be marketed within 6 months. It comes as culmination of years of research funded by the Union ministry of environment and forests (moef).

Biosensors are measuring devices that use a biological entity