Locals in Rajasthan's Kota district stop building of incineration plant

Construction work was stopped at a biomedical waste incineration facility in Rajasthan's Kota district following opposition from local people. Construction of the plant started in March 2007 without any environmental impact assessment or permission from the state pollution control board.

Residents feared the plant would contaminate their water resources. The incineration plant was being built just 200 metres away from Dhakadkheri village and was close to its only perennial stream. This violated Central Pollution Control Board's norm, stipulating that biomedical waste incineration facilities be located at a reasonable distance from residential and sensitive areas.

Kota has one incineration facility. The Dhakadkheri facility was to treat biomedical wastes from the main city. Though municipal officials say that both the technology and the site were approved by the Rajasthan government, no official has ever visited the site.