Nodal problem
Nodal problem
Only one-fifthy of the total number of lymphoma (tumor of the lymphid tissue or lymph nodes) cases reported in northern India are women says on going US-sponsored study at the ALL India Institute of Medical Scitnoes (AIIMS), New Delhi.
Doctors at the Institute have examined 200 patients from several north Indian towns and villages over the past three years to locate the characteristics and demography of lymphomm, in north India. and provide the patients the latest frpe"of-cbst chemotherapy profile.
Cormnenting on the low turnout of women lymphoma patients, V Raina, an expert on medical ontology at ARMS. says, "More likely, families tend to let their women remain at home suffering, rather than sending them to a city hospital.- The ratio of men and women lymphoms patients In the West Is $5,45; but here it Is 90:20. Besides, there are delayed reportings here.
Lymphoma manifests Itself as a lump In the neck or groln, later leading to fever and anaenfle, and breathing disorders. Raina says. There are two kinds of lymphoma - Hodgkins (30 per cent Incidence) and non-Hodgkins (70- par card Inckle"). The first stage of lymphoma