Options to Chloroflurocarbons

The problem coolant:CFCs-To be phased out ine developing world by 2010 under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer. Deplete the Ozone Layer. Deadlines could be advanced by 4 years.

The possible substitutes In favour Against
Hydrochloroflurocarbons such as HCFC-22 Can only be a temporary substitute to CFCs because they too... ...have a definite ozone-depleting potential (ODP).

    1. HFC-134a

Zero ODP Substantive global warming potential (GWP). Requires changes in compressor design and new lubricating oils. Expensive and protected by patents held by Western companies.
    2. HFC-152a Does not require special lubricating oils Toxic and flammable. Rejected by US, so not attractive to exporters.
Hydrocarbons such as a mix of propane and isobutane Zero ODP. GWP is one-hundredth of HCF-134a. Requires minir changes in compressor design. Easy availability at prices one-tenth that of HCF-134a. Inflammable. Difficult to make a freezer compartment in a fridge.
