Persistent poison
Persistent poison
a review of worldwide research on human reproductive disorders related to organochlorines (ocs) indicates that a global ban on the harmful chemicals is a must. ocs are compounds that alter hormonal functions of humans, thereby adversely affecting reproductive organs, and the health of newborns. Some ocs rampantly used are ddt, polychlorobiphenyls (pcbs) and dioxins.
Gunnar Toft and colleagues of the Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark, conducted the review. They analysed 408 studies from countries that have banned ocs as well as those that are still using the chemicals. Since the 1970s, most European countries, the us, Japan and the erstwhile Russia have banned the use of ocs. However, their impact still persists in these nations. Most importantly, the effects are identical to those observed in countries still using the toxic compounds.
The researchers studied the following effects: male and female infertility, cancer, spontaneous abortions, prenatal mortality, low birth weight, pre-termed delivery, congenital malformations, skewed sex ratio and early puberty.
A strong correlation was found between exposure to ocs