Popular campaign
Popular campaign
THE Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists (NFEJ) is celebrating transmission of 250 episodes of Aankhijhyal, a programme on environmental, social and sustainable development concerns. Aankhijhyal is an impact-oriented investigative programme that has managed to gain an impressive audience in Nepal.
Issues such timber smuggling, glacial lake outbursts and outbreak of viral influenza in the remote district of Jumla killing 300 people are no longer mere newspaper headlines. Homes all over Nepal are flooded with Aankhijhyal's powerful video images starkly depicting the brutality of these events. An example of such impact: the villagers of a small village in Kathmandu valley united to dismantle polluting brick factories after Aankhijhyal informed them that these factories were violating laws.
Aankhijhyal has now started a community forestry initiative in collaboration with forest users' groups. For close to two years, it has been devoting every alternate week to this issue. The programme has steadily grown in popularity. Besides using the programme as a source of information, community forest users also use it as a tool to advocate the cause of forestry by and for the people.