Sanctions due to whaling
Sanctions due to whaling
japanese whale hunting is undermining international efforts to protect endangered whale species, according to the us . Consequently, the Clinton administration is planning to impose economic sanctions on Japan. The us officials said that Japanese fishing fleets would not be allowed to operate within 320 kilometres of the us Exclusive Economic Zone. us is planning, for the first time in a decade, to allow foreign fleets to catch its fish.
"President Clinton feels strongly that we must act to uphold the international protection that has helped many whale populations recover since commercial whaling was banned in 1986,' said John Podesta, White House chief of staff. Norman Mineta, commerce secretary, said that us will ensure that the prohibition against trade in whale products was vigorously enforced. Japan, on the other hand, has threatened to take the matter to the World Trade Organisation, if trade sanctions are used to pressurise it. According to the Japanese government, its whale hunts are purely for research purposes, but the us states Japan intends to revive commercial whaling on a large-scale.