
• The river linking panel headed by Suresh Prabhu recently formed a "communication core group for mass awareness' for the purpose of monitoring news and to convey the benefits of the massive enterprise to the layperson.

• Despite strict laws banning sex determination tests, including pre-conception technologies, some unscrupulous doctors still continue to dangle the male child as the more desirable offspring. They usually resort to advertising in small regional magazines, placing the ads carefully to escape detection by the law.

• The International Society for Environmental Epidemiology has awarded the Research Integrity Award for 2003 to T K Joshi, the founder and head of Lok Nayak Hospital's centre for occupational and environmental health. The award recognises individuals who maintain research integrity despite external pressures. Joshi has been spearheading a campaign against asbestos and incineration.

• Corporates have begun to taken an active interest in employees' health by organising tobacco de-addiction camps. Wipro and Mico recently held workshops for their employees with assistance from the Tobacco Cessation Centre at Nimhans. Medical health professionals dwelt on the dangers of tobacco addiction and prescribed treatment.