United emission norms
United emission norms
under the aegis of the United Nations, an international agreement was signed by eight countries to develop globally uniform environmental regulations for motor vehicles. The agreement, pending for the past two years, is expected to "harmonise' the world's automobile standards.
According to an announcement made by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ( un/ece ), this landmark agreement will help to provide greater uniformity in environmental protection, energy efficiency, vehicle safety and pollution reduction from automobiles for un nations. Current levels of environmental protection and vehicle safety will not be compromised in order to achieve regulatory uniformity, un officials said.
The us Environmental Protection Agency and the us department of transportation spearheaded the development of the agreement whose studies showed that vehicle emissions now account for 75 per cent of the carbon monoxide ( co ), 33 per cent of carbon dioxide ( co 2 ), and 44 per cent of oxides of nitrogen ( no x ) in urban air. The pact hopes to ensure that regulatory activities will be carried out in an open manner and will consider the best available technology, the cost effectiveness of these technologies, as well as the benefits to public health.
New global vehicle regulations are expected to include aspects of existing national and international regulations, including those in an earlier global automotive standards agreement