Vanishing 'green'
Vanishing 'green'
THE Dangs, one of the few forests in Gujarat that boasts of green cover, is facing imminent danger of annihilation. Massive deforestation due to population pressures and rapid industrialisation are the two major reasons for the destruction of forests. The Gujarat forest department is fighting tooth and nail to check the rapid depletion of tree cover by employing a combination of traditional conservation techniques, social forestry and a lot of hard work.
All efforts appear inconsequential, however, considering the insatiable demand of the urban population for wood. Snehal Patel, president of the Surat Nature Club (SNC), blamed unplanned industrial growth for the destruction. Unless the government thinks of some radical measures to amend the situation, the final chance to save the lush verdure will be lost, according to Darshan Desai, an activist of SNC.